Key Management

Key Management

Create a new Key

polard keys add <name>

This key will return a 24 word mnemonic phrase (opens in a new tab)

polard keys add test_key
- address: polaris17l03ze40e9spskexcj928fuy94yxa4dy0t3vx0
  name: test_key
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AlvTkLacqevyNZ6hl8ZqhWSzQDppseR07qthbNOsy+nz"}'
  type: local
**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
nature canvas unusual drill vault ethics sunny problem enact exile tank horn husband wagon town churn piano flip laptop lava pulp void pencil emotion

Restore Existing key

polard keys add <name> --recover

This will prompt you for your 24 word mnemonic phrase.

polard keys add test_key_recover --recover
> Enter your bip39 mnemonic

List your keys

polard keys list

Lists all the public keys under your storage path

polard keys list
Successfully migrated key
- address: polaris17l03ze40e9spskexcj928fuy94yxa4dy0t3vx0
  name: test_key
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AlvTkLacqevyNZ6hl8ZqhWSzQDppseR07qthbNOsy+nz"}'
  type: local
- address: polaris1t6m9ug59cg9yg2cy2hfx40ew4jyj9w0m9rgmlg
  name: validator
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AueTD51sd3KDEJ3qvJVq5bxrHdfg87Tu2C8eOq51Imyi"}'
  type: local

Retrieve Key Information

keys show <key_name>

This will return the public key and relevant information for the given key by name.

polard keys show test_key
- address: polaris17l03ze40e9spskexcj928fuy94yxa4dy0t3vx0
  name: test_key
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AlvTkLacqevyNZ6hl8ZqhWSzQDppseR07qthbNOsy+nz"}'
  type: local

Delete a Key

keys delete <key_name>

This will delete the key from your storage.

polard keys delete test_key
Key reference will be deleted. Continue? [y/N]: y
Key deleted forever (uh oh!)

Exporting Private keys

keys export <key_name>

This will export the private key for the given key by name.

polard keys export test_key 
Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key:
kdf: bcrypt
salt: 38ACD8DB969BB1287A2AD27DFAD5BCD2
type: secp256k1